Wangechi Mutu

Wangechi Mutu
(born 22 June 1972)
is a Kenyan American visual artist, known primarily for her painting, sculpture, film, and performance work.


Born in Kenya, Mutu now splits her time between her studio there in Nairobiand her studio in Brooklyn, New York, where she has lived and worked for over 20 years. 

Mutu’s work has directed the female body as subject through collage painting, immersive installation, and live and video performance while exploring questions of self-image, gender constructs, cultural trauma, and environmental destruction and notions of beauty and power. via Wikipedia

Wangechi Mutu. Yo Mama. 2003. Ink, mica flakes, acrylic, pressure-sensitive film, cut-and-pasted printed paper, and painted paper on paper, overall: 59 1/8 × 85″ (150.2 × 215.9 cm). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection Gift. © 2023 Wangechi Mutu
Artist Interview—Wangechi Mutu: The NewOnes, will free Us | Met Exhibitions (2019)
Women and the Critical Eye—A Conversation with the Artist Wangechi Mutu (2020)
Undivided: Firelei Báez and Wangechi Mutu | Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts (2024)
Exploring “Wangechi Mutu: Intertwined” with Co-Curators Vivian Crockett and Margot Norton

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#WangechiMutu #womensart #PalianShow

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