Andrea Chung (b.1978)

Andrea Chung b.1978,
lives and works in San Diego, California.

Chung was born to parents of Jamaican/Chinese and Trinidadian descent. She was raised in Houston, TX. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design, NY, and a Master of Fine Arts from Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore.

Andrea Chung working in the paper studio, exploring stories of Jamaican midwives

Andrea Chung, CROWINING I, 2014,
Collage, ink and color pencil
Andrea Chung, CROWINING V, 2014
Collage, ink and color pencil
Andrea Chung, CROWINING II, 2014
Collage and ink
Andrea Chung, CROWINING III, 2014,
Collage and ink

Andrea Chung, MIDWIVES I, 2017
image dimensions: 385 × 500 Px
Andrea Chung, MIDWIVES II, 2017
image dimensions: 372 × 500 Px
Andrea Chung, MIDWIVES I
image dimensions: 371 × 500 Px
Andrea Chung, MIDWIVES IV, 2017
image dimensions: 371 × 500 Px

More about the art project: Andrea Chung interview in British Council
– What motivated the Crowning and Midwives series – works made three years apart?

ANDREA CHUNG: I was collaborating with a professor whose research focused on black midwives of the southern United States and we decided to look at the similarities of grandmother midwives or nana midwives in Jamaica. The collaborative project is titled Catchin’ Babies, Colonising Black Bodies . We interviewed midwives and people who either knew or were birthed by midwives in Jamaica. I was interested in how nana midwives were perceived in the Caribbean and how those traditions are still evident in modern-day obstetrics. The art pieces are a few years apart but my interests are always there. I work slowly and always tend to revisit my interests at later dates.

Marsha Pearce: You also had a family member who was a midwife? Was that an important reference for you?

ANDREA CHUNG: My grandmother in Trinidad and Tobago was a midwife. She was definitely an influence. She was beloved so much so that when she became ill, her patients would often pay for her medicine.

Pure 2017

Image of work during Women’s Studio Workshop in Kingston, NY.
Andrea Chung, “Pure” (2016), mold-cast soap (photo by author for Hyperallergic)

read also:

Catchin’ Babies, Colonizing Black Bodies ~ Collaborative project by Dr. #AliciaBonaparte and #AndreaChung :

Featured image: Andrea Chung. Photo: Jati Lindsay

From AbWWiA creator Poli Palian: As I’ve made a post about an artist Andrea Chung and her #artprojects #Crowning & #Midwives for the
– I realised photos were not enough.

Meant to do it for months! Since I was her in the show about #motherhoodinarts I remember I research more info about her practice and I came across Crowning. The artworks are beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, but as in many of the artworks but women this was totally not the point! You must read the description of those artworks! And /or listen to the Artist herself talking about the creative process.

Even more so when I finally posted today this collection I came to one conclusion:

I’m afraid it doesn’t give a justice to the depth of what this project was truly about.

This is why I was happy to find this video! (2) Here Andrea Chung speaks about a lot of her art pieces in this presentstion, but when you forward to 23m50s, I took a screen video af the intro to this part:
Where she talks about the research and collaboration she did: Catchin’ Babies, Colonizing Black Bodies ~ Collaborative project by Dr. Alicia Bonaparte and Andrea Chung
Here’s the link:

I have no rights to this video, but I do hope it’s alright I use this part to spread awareness about the awful practices white male doctors did (are still doing?)

Make sure to care, and support as you can this matter.

Let’s give thanks where the thabks are due: to Black Women.

You might also want to #read

Make sure to follow artist’s insta
And check out her website.

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