Uemura Tsune aka Uemura Shōen 上村 松園 (Japan, 1875-1949)

Uemura Shōen 上村 松園 (Apr 23, 1875 – Aug 27, 1949) was the pseudonym of an artist in Meiji, Taishō and early Shōwa period Japanese painting.

Her real name was Uemura Tsune.

Shōen was known primarily for her bijin-ga, or paintings of beautiful women, in the nihonga style, although she produced numerous works on historical themes and traditional subjects.

Shōen is considered a major innovator in the bijin-ga genre despite the fact she often still used it to depict the traditional beauty standards of women. Bijin-ga gained criticism during the Taisho era while Shōen worked due to its lack of evolution to reflect the more modern statuses of women in Japan. During bijin-ga’s conception in the Tokugawa, or Edo, period, women were regarded as lower class citizens and the genre often reflected this implication onto its female subjects.

Within the Taisho era, women had made several advancements into the Japanese workforce, and artistry specifically was becoming more popular outside of pass times for the elite, which opened way for Shōen’s success.

Shōen received many awards and forms of recognition during her lifetime within Japan, being the first female recipient of the Order of Culture award, as well as being hired as the Imperial Household’s official artist, which had previously only employed one other official woman in the position. In 1949 she died of cancer just a year after receiving the Order of Culture Award. via Wikipedia

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learn about Japanese Women Painters via:  http://www.japanobjects.com/features/female-painters

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