Leiko Ikemura (Japan, b.1951)

Leiko Ikemura |イケムラレイコ (b. Aug 22, 1951) is a Japanese-Swiss painter, photographer & sculptor.

Leiko Ikemura famous for her masterful use of swirling color and pastel shades which give her work a unique dream-like ambience.


Leiko Ikemura (Japan, b.1951)
Red Sky, 2019, tempera on jute, 80 x 90 cm
Leiko Ikemura (Japan, b.1951)
Horizon, 2016, tempera on jute, 80 x 100 cm.
Leiko Ikemura by Barbara Niggl Radloff,
Villa Waldberta, Feldafing, 90s

“infinitely transparent
a ray of light looking from the darkest point
the light appearing in the darkest place
there is light in the darkness”
Leiko Ikemura via ShugoArts #Tokyo

Leiko Ikemura, Moo 1993
Oil and Tempera on canvas
Leiko Ikemura, Singel Eyed Baby, 1994
Glazed Terracotta

read also: Leiko Ikemura – interview: ‘I think we have this inner life, and this inner life has a kind of physiognomy’ (2021)

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