Christina Bothwell (USA, b.1960)

I try to express more than our bodies. My ongoing interest in the spiritual infuses my work and runs parallel to the narrative I’m creating.

Christina Bothwell

Christina Bothwell is an American contemporary fine arts glass maker. She is known for glass, ceramic, and mixed media sculptures that portray the processes of birth, death, and renewal. Many of her pieces involve human-animal hybrids. 

my personal favourite artwork by Christina Bothwell “Cat Girl” (2007/09) cast glass, raku clay, taxidermy, and oil paints

Artist Christina Bothwell on her process. Bonus video from the STORYTELLERS episode, PBS premiere December 11, 2020. SCROLL DOWN FOR FULL EPISODE
“Pink Monkey” (2020), cast glass and ceramic, 15 inches
“Mother and Child” (2020), cast glass, ceramic, and oil paints, 18 x 27 x 7 inches.
“Soul Sentinel” (2017), cast glass, ceramic, oil paint, and antique wood doll puppet hands, 21 inches
Evolution is the state of mind, 2008
Cast glass, ceramic, found object, 17x6x3in.

Glass Artist Christina Bothwell segment by #craftinamerica :

Artist Christina Bothwell is a self-taught, experimental glass artist who explores her interest in birth, death, and renewal while imbuing her work with a sense of wonder and hope. She was born in New York City and currently lives in Stillwater, Pennsylvania with her husband and teenage children.

In this rural setting, nature is the main source of inspiration for her work.

She employs a unique approach to the medium, and her figurative sculptures often contain another figure within. (from yt caption)

Segment from the STORYTELLERS episode, PBS premiere Dec 11, 2020.

#ChristinaBothwell #womensart #artbywomen #femalesculptor #glasswork #PalianShow

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