she’s in trouble AGAIN! #stopcensoringwomensart

London-based artist and poet Penny Goring,

and an article in @anothermagazine

about her SOLO #artexhibition in @icalondon GOT ME IN TROUBLE  with fakebook!

my fb page for the
is in risk of being UNPUBLISHED

my personal account is temporarily suspended…

Penny World is at the ICA, London, until 18 Sep 2022.

read: Penny Goring Makes Art for a World in Turmoil

read also: Artist Penny Goring: ‘David Bowie showed me that there was another world’
Brought up in a rough area, Goring drank heavily and never thought that she would make it as an artist. Finally, after a detour into ‘weird Facebook’, her freaky explorations of womanhood are getting their due. by Hettie Judah (21 Jun 2022)

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