Natalia Arbelaez

Natalia Arbelaez, Lucy Lewis, ( Lady on Turkey), 2020 | Terracotta with Majolica
15 7/10 × 8 7/10 × 8 7/10 in | 40 × 22 × 22 cm
£5,950 via Artsy

Natalia Arbelaez is a Colombian American artist, born and raised in Miami, Florida to immigrant parents.

follow @natalia_arbelaez_

“My work takes the place of a storyteller, from my personal narratives of my Colombian family’s immigration to the research of pre-Columbian South American presence, to my American, latchkey, afterschool cartoon upbringing. Each of these identities plays a role in my work to illustrate a selfportrait of what it is like to be a Mestizo, Colombian, and American hybrid. I combine these stories with research, familial narratives, and cartoon embellishments that create surreal stories, much to my efforts, of the likes of Gabriel García Márquez. A way to autobiographically narrate history with its ups and downs of humor and tears.” from Artist’s website

follow @natalia_arbelaez_

see also: This Artist-Led Organization Is Supporting Ceramic Artists of Color, by A. Chau (2022)

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