Agnes Martin – my Art Heroine #PalianShow

Agnes Martin by Diane Arbus, 1966, for more from Diane Arbus go here : x

To All of You that know my channels: Art by Women _ Women in Arts, I just want you to know today we are celebrating the birthday anniversary of one of the most important Artists in the Art HERstory, and especially to this channel and my work #PalianShow

#bornonthisday Agnes Martin (1912-2004)

@poli_pal: You see, a long time ago, when I was a very self absorbed fashion designer, and a single mother, and an immigrant – one afternoon: tired, disappointed, frustrated – I realised my disadvantage as a woman in fashion and the creative art industry

I finally realised I can’t achieve it all…

My first step was to set up an organization supporting women like me: This is how Babski Londyn came about: an organisation supporting Polish Creative Women in London and UK

Our mission was to set up events educating the British audience that Polish women are not only cleansers & nannies. That we come from a country with rich culture, traditions and arts

That our ancestors surviving not one, but two World Wars and over 123 years of Partitions; where Poland was erased from the World’s maps, and in many regions under the occupation Polish were not allowed to speak their language, and practice our rituals and customs. All of this, and, oh let’s not forget after the II WWs Poland was under the informal occupation by CCCP (Soviets) till 1989!!!

So anyhow…. after setting up Babski Spęd in 2012 : art & cultural event celebrating Polish Creative Women, and a year later Babski Spęd vol 2. Arts Festival. Both events were a success!

Despite my attempts to support and promote Polish Creative Women, I was called sexist and nationalistic…. or my events were. That same year, The Guardian published a list of 100 best selling artists – guess how many Women Artists were on this list?

Yes, zero

British Women Artists finally woke up – I was reading the articles demanding change (with an unhidden satisfaction).

Not so sexist now, huh?

British Women Artists finally woke up – I was reading the articles demanding change with unhidden satisfaction. Not so sexist now, huh?

At the same time, many scholars were publishing lists of the most important Women Artists – my brain blew up! So many names I never knew about before! And since I’m the art enthusiast, what about others who are not into arts as much?? Then on Twitter, one of the American institutions launched a campaign “name 5 women artists”. I loved this idea – but soon was disappointed to see Frida’s name on each and every list, followed by O’Keeffee then maybe Bourgeois and after that silence.

I had to do something about it! I went back to the articles listing: women surrealists, impressionists, followed by lists of contemporary artists, performers, lists of women artists of different countries, communities and on and on… and on one of those lists I came across Agnes Martin.

There was something mesmerizing in her face, then I read about her art practice, then I read about her life. This was it! If I never heard about her before – How many other people didn’t?

Agnes Martin, Flower in the Wind, 1963

I heard my sarcastic father laughing: women can not become respectable artists – there were no famous women artists, same as chefs….

And the “Pandora’s box” of Art by Women started to open before my eyes – and has not shut since then. On a daily basis I come across women who create. Artsy has been one of the first platforms and now instagram and tumblr educate me every day !!

It was time to go deeper.. My personal research became an open source archive of Art HERstory & Art by Women. The “Art by Women – Women in Art” was born.

So, thank you Agnes, for your roughness, for staying true to yourself despite the world not being ready for your greatness.

Thank you for inspiring me to become the Matron of Women’s Arts. This is why, Martin’s photos were used as the profile pics of our channels – out of respect & admiration. But even more so as a reminder that there were great women artists – always!

After all, through out most of the history “The Anonymous” was a woman . . .

#womensart #artherstory #agnesmartin #artbywomen #womenshistorymonth #PolishinLondon #polipalian #sztukakobiet

An Old Post about the Artist :

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