Yuriko Takagi

“As a woman, you got to be independent, living your own life is a lifelong career”.
       –Yuriko Takagi photographer

The Making of Yuriko Takagi’s Series for the Dior: Designer of Dreams Exhibition in Tokyo
Yuriko Takagi 高木 由利子(© by Yusuke Nakanishi) source HERE

Yuriko Takagi

Born in Tokyo. Studied graphic design at Musashino Art University in Tokyo and fashion design at Trent Polytechnic in England. Worked as a freelance designer in Europe. photo

Started taking photographic portraits as she journeyed throughout Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East, focusing on “human existence” —- an unique perspective involving fashion and the body. from Artist’s website

Watch: photographer’s home & #inHERstudio:

Such a beautiful video! The edition, music, and the hero of the film is so beautiful it got me very moved. #mustsee #PalianShow

About the Artist:
Yuriko Takagi is a photographer who worked with Issey Miyake. Three years ago, 65-year-old Takagi met a piece of forest land in Karuizawa which covers an area of 1440 square meters. Then she passed her driver’s test, decorated the house and moved into the forest.

see also:

the selby: Yuriko Takagi – Photographer at her Studio in Tokyo HERE

photo source: http://www.instagram.com/p/CNzepzJlYS9/?igshid=1l1934u66uy4m

#YurikoTakagi #photographer #femalephotographer #JapaneseArchitecture #Artistsstudio #ArtistsHouse #Japan #JapaneseWomen #JapanesePhotography #FashionPhotography

3 replies to “Yuriko Takagi

    1. oh my! didn’t meant to make you cry! but yes, I totally understand. I remember it being super moving!

      btw @juliemellersh – thank you for your comment and all your support – by liking our content. means a lot! regards, pp

      Liked by 1 person

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