Livia Marin (Chile|UK, b.1973)

Livia Marin (Chile / UK, b. 1973)
Broken Things (6), 2017
Ceramics, resin, print and enamel
2 2/5 × 6 3/10 × 4 1/2 in
6 × 16 × 11.5 cm

follow IG @liviamarin_xf

Livia Marin is a London-based Chilean artist whose work has been characterized throughout by large-scale installations and the appropriation of mass-produced and mass-consumed objects.

Her work was initially informed by the immediate social and political context of Chile in the 1990s that amounted to a transition from a profoundly overt disciplinary regime (given by seventeen years of dictatorship) to an economically disciplinary regime with a strongly developed neo-liberal economic agenda.

from Artist’s website:

Livia Marin (Chile|UK, b.1973) Broken Things (Solihull_D3), 2022 Photography, paper, gold thread 6 1/2 × 6 1/2 in | 16.5 × 16.5 cm
#LiviaMarin #chileanart #womensart #PalianShow #artbywomen #ceramics #CeramicArt

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