Baroness Hilla von Rebay, aka Hilla Rebay (1890-1967)

*Rebay was acknowledged to have excellent taste in modern art, she was a co-founder and first director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and long a confidante to Solomon Guggenheim. 

Hildegard Anna Augusta Elisabeth Freiin Rebay von Ehrenwiesen,
known as Baroness Hilla von Rebay
or simply Hilla Rebay (31 May 1890 – 27 September 1967),

Hilla von Rebay, around 1915.

Hilla Rebay was an abstract artist in the early 20th century and a co-founder and first director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

*Guggenheim family found her personally difficult, especially Peggy Guggenheim. After Solomon Guggenheim died in 1949, the family expelled her from the board of directors…

EMBRACE, 1945, Oil on canvas
51 1/4 x 42 in, 130.2 x 106.7 cm
Hilla Rebay, Vivace, 1942. Oil on canvas, 36 X 36 inches (91.4 x 91.4 cm). Collection of the Huber Family, courtesy Adler & Co. Gallery, San Francisco 

Hilla Rebay Visits the Met_ This archival footage shows Hilla Rebay on a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, circa 1941 via guggenheim

FORTE, C.1949-59, Oil on canvas
83 1/2 x 76 1/2 in, 212.1 x 194.3 cm

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She was also profoundly interested in spirituality, and from age 14 explored Theosophy, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and astrology. source and more

Why is it important for the Guggenheim Museum to collect and preserve art?

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