Octavia E. Butler (USA, 1947 – 2006)

Octavia E. Butler

Octavia Estelle Butler

(June 22, 1947 – February 24, 2006) was an American science fiction author and a multiple recipient of the Hugo and Nebula awards. In 1995, Butler became the first science-fiction writer to receive a MacArthur Fellowship. via Wikipedia

“All I did was look around at the problems we’re neglecting now and give them about 30 years to grow into full-fledged disasters.”

Octavia Butler, The Grand Dame of Science Fiction | It’s Lit (2022)
Remembering Octavia Butler: Black Sci-Fi Writer Shares Cautionary Tales In Unearthed 2005 Interview (2021)
Octavia Butler interview – transcending barriers: recorded at Balticon 34, in April of 2000.

A Few Rules For Predicting The Future by Octavia E. Butler SOURCE

see also

Black Women & Their Words: source

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