Toshiko Takaezu (1922-2011)

Toshiko Takaezu (June 17, 1922 – March 9, 2011) was an American ceramic artist, painter, sculptor, and educator with an oeuvre spanning a wide range of mediums, including ceramics, weavings, bronzes, and paintings. She is noted for her pioneer work in ceramics and has played an important role in the international revival of interest in the ceramic arts. Takaezu was known for her rounded, closed ceramic forms which broke from traditions of clay as a medium for functional objects to explore its potential for aesthetic expression, taking on Abstract Expressionist concepts and placing her work in the realm of postwar abstractionism. She is of Japanese descent and from Pepeeko, Hawaii. Via Wikipedia

Toshiko Takaezu, 17 October 1993. Barbara Yoshida
Toshiko Takaezu, Untitled form. Glazed porcelain.

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Toshiko Takaezu with Gaea (1979) installed at LongHouse Reserve, East Hampton, New York, June 19–September, 1994 (© Family of Toshiko Takaezu) read HERE

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