Megumi Igarashi, a.k.a. Rokudenashiko

#PalianSHOW presents:
ARTist of the DAY
Megumi Igarashi a.k.a Rokudenashiko


Megumi Igarashi, (五十嵐恵 Igarashi Megumi), Rokudenashiko 

(Japanese: ろくでなし子 or 碌でなし子
rokudenashi [“reprobate”, “bastard”, “good-for-nothing”, “ne’er-do-well”] + diminutive feminine suffix -ko [usually translated as “girl” or “little”]),
is a Japanese sculptor and manga artist who has received public attention for her work featuring female genitalia.

She considers it her mission to demystify female genitalia in Japan where, according to her, they are “overly hidden” in comparison to phallic imagery

watch Vagina Art & the Paradox of Japanese Censorship Laws:

Initially she faced up to two years in prison  and a $25,000 fine, but yesterday was found not guilty — she still got a fine, but it was reduced to 400,000 yen, the equivalent of just over $5,040.

Artist who made a kayak shaped like her vagina is convicted for obscenity in Japan

  • Megumi Igarashi, 43, fined £2,585 for distribution of obscene materials
  • Artist created a kayak shaped like her vagina using 3D printer in 2014
  • She then sold 3D code of scan of her genitals so fans could recreate it

see also:

Feminist art is usually a rare category of art in Asia, and not many exhibitions on the theme have taken place in the past. We would like to align the works within a feminist context in Hong Kong and Japan, and consider whether the artists think they are feminists or not. Feminism is not a unified ideology, and several groups have different ideas.


Megumi Igarashi (Rokudenashiko) watch:
“Art and obscenity: did the Japanese police go too far with her?”

Megumi Igarashi, a.k.a. Rokudenashiko
ろくでなし子 祝デコまん無罪確定!@6d745


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