Dora Maar _ artist NOT a muse!!

Dora Maar, Self-Portrait at the Window, Paris, c 1935
Dora Maar, The Years Lie in Wait For You, 1936
Dora Maar, Composition Geométrique, 1967 | Oil on canvas | 130 x 97 cm

Do you really want to tell me that for 54 years since they break up to end of her life she has not created anything substantial enough to be remembered as her and not someone’s lover? #PalianShow

Learn to write about women artists and their ART and NOT including their past lovers.

Not often do I see the lists of female lovers while reading the male artists bios …

Dora Maar and her portrait of Alice B. Toklas with her inseparable dog, Paris 1946, phoo by M.Sima.
Untitled (Hand-Shell), 1934
Dora Maar, Chaise Miniature, 1934
Dora Maar, You and Me, ca. 1936

#mustread 7 Things to Know: Dora Maar : Explore the extraordinary life and career of this painter and photographer

Henriette Theodora Markovitch #bornonthisday (22 November 1907 – 16 July 1997), known as Dora Maar, was a French photographer, painter, and poet.

The painted works of Maar remained unrecognized until their posthumous sale, organized in 1999, which made the public and professionals discover a very personal production that had never left her studio.

Maar spent her last years in her apartment in Rue de Savoie, in the Left Bank of Paris. She died on 16 July 1997, at 89 years old. She was buried in the Bois-Tardieu cemetery in Clamart.!Her experiments with photograms and dark-room photography were only found posthumously. Via Wikipedia

street photography

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excuse the adds!

#artistnotamuse #womenartists #painter

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