Ethel Schwabacher

Ethel Kremer Schwabacher
May 20, 1903 – Nov 25, 1984, NY, U.S.
was an influential abstract expressionist painter, represented by the Betty Parsons Gallery in the 1950s and 1960s.via Wikipedia

Ethel Schwabacher (ca. 1920s). Courtesy of Berry Campbell, New York.

Ethel Schwabacher (ca. 1955). Courtesy of Berry Campbell, New York.

Ethel Schwabacher, Return and Departure (1956). Courtesy of Berry Campbell, New York.
Ethel Schwabacher, Steps of the Sun (1957). Courtesy of Berry Campbell, New York.

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read: Dealer Betty Parsons Pioneered Male Abstract Expressionists—But Who Were the Unrecognized Women ArtistsShe Exhibited? By Artspace Editors (2017) read HERE

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