Sofiko Chiaureli

Sophia Chiaureli
(Georgian: სოფიკო ჭიაურელი; 21 May 1937 – 2 March 2008), professionally known as Sofiko Chiaureli, was a Soviet Georgian actress.

Thought to be the muse of filmmaker Sergei Parajanov, she played a significant role in the 20th century Georgian theater and was associated with the country’s two most prominent theaters, the Rustaveli Theatre (1964–1968) and Marjanishvili Theatre (1960–1964, 1968–2008). via Wikipedia

The Colour of Pomegranates, 1969

The Color of Pomegranates is a 1969 Soviet Armenian art film written and directed by Sergei Parajanov. The film is a poetic treatment of the life of 18th-century Armenian poet and troubadour Sayat-Nova It has appeared in many polls as one of the greatest films ever made and was hailed as revolutionary by Mikhail Vartanov. The film is now regarded as a landmark in film history. via Wikipedia

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