Helen Dahm (1878-1968)

Helen Dahm
May 21, 1878 – May 24, 1968
was a Swiss artist and a follower of the expressionist movement.

Her early work included hand-colored, hand-pressed fabric prints, mostly expressionistic in style.

Helen Dahm with dog Resi in front of the easel, 1920-30. © Estate of Regula Witzig, Oetwil am See.

In the early 1930s, Helen suffered from severe depression and did very little art. 
In 1938, by invitation of Meher Baba, Dahm came to live in his ashram in Meherabad, India and painted the interior murals.

Her paintings are still viewable there today, as restored in 1989. For health reasons Dahm eventually returned to her homeland of Switzerland.
Helen Dahm only received recognition late in life. In 1967, at the age of 89, she had her first major retrospective exhibition in Switzerland.
Else Strantz was her life partner for twenty years. via Wikipedia

Helen Dahm, 1954
Helen Dahm (1878-1968). Drei Figuren, Holzschnitt. ETH Zürich. Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Ittingen.
Helen Dahm (1878-1968). Das Haus der Künstlerin in Oetwil am See. Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Ittingen.

cover illustration: Helen Dahm (1878-1968). Maria Magdalena in der Grossstadt, ohne Datum. Kunstsammlung Stadt Zürich.

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please note this map doesn’t include her trip (and work) in India (1938)

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